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Cavalor Electroliq Balance 1 liter

Vloeibare mengeling van elektrolyten en snel opneembare vitaminen om de fitheid en het recuperatie vermogen te verhogen!

Per dag voor of na een periode van zweten.
Op voorraad Levertijd 1-2 dagen
Cavalor Electroliq 1 liter

De elektrolyten (kalium, chloride, natrium), dat met adequate vloeibare absorptie wordt gecombineerd, zijn elementen, die de optimale functie van de vloeibare uitwisseling van de cellen verzekeren. Wanneer het paard zwaar zweet, d.w.z. tijdens zware arbeid, spanning of met hoge temperaturen, worden heel wat elektrolyten verloren.

Na zware inspanning die door zwaar zweten gepaard gaat, is het essentieel om het normale elektrolytevenwicht zo spoedig mogelijk te herstellen.

Om optimaal herstel van het lichaam na zware inspanning te verkrijgen, is het raadzaam om de elektrolyten binnen een uur na de prestatie te geven. Hierbij moet het paard beschikking hebben over voldoende water.

Het voordeel van Cavalor Electroliq is de heerlijke smaak, die ervoor zorgt dat de elektrolyten gemakkelijk door het paard worden geconsumeerd.

De vloeibare vorm is een praktisch alternatief op andere supplementen, die meestal in poedervorm zijn.

De vloeibare vorm staat gelijke distributie van het product over het voer toe en het verzekert dat er niet verloren gaat of achter blijft op de bodem van de voerbak.

Verpakking: Verkrijgbaar in 1 liter en 5 liter.

Additional Information & Education.

CAVALOR® ELECTROLIQ BALANCE - Professional Line. Liquid solution to compensate for electrolyte losses through major physical exertion.

Indication for use:

Electrolytes (potassium, chloride, sodium), combined with adequate fluid absorption, ensure the optimal function of the fluid exchange of the cells. When the horse sweats heavily during heavy efforts, stress or in high temperatures, a lot of electrolytes are lost. This causes the fluid exchange in the muscle cells to work more slowly, retarding muscle contraction. This may lead to weakness and muscle cramps. After heavy exertion accompanied by severe sweating, it is crucial to restore the electrolyte balance to normal as soon as possible. To obtain optimal recovery of the body after intense exercise, it is advisable to feed the electrolytes with 1 kg easily digestible grains within an hour after completion of the performance. The horse must always have fresh water available.

The advantage of Cavalor Electroliq Balance is the delicious taste, which ensures that the electrolytes are easily accepted by the horse. The liquid form is a practical alternative to other supplements, which are mostly in powder form. The liquid form allows for equal distribution of the product across the feed, ensuring that nothing is lost or remains behind at the bottom of the manger.

Tip: Use Cavalor Electroliq Balance especially during hot days, after heavy training or during extended transportation. For horses that drink less after transport to a different stable or location due to a different taste in the water, the addition of Electroliq Balance to their drinking water may offer a solution. It is however advisable to first check whether the horse will drink enough with the addition of Electroliq Balance at home. During competitions you may use Cavalor Energy Booster (paste in tubes), containing electrolytes as well as additional B-vitamins and amino acids.

Composition and safety of the product:

Cavalor Electroliq Balance contains sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, fructose and dextrose. Current research has shown that the horse may benefit from the presence of fructose. Fructose may promote the absorption and mobilization of electrolytes. An apple flavor that horses find delicious is also added to stimulate appetite.

Dosage: Cavalor Electroliq Balance is mixed with the drinking water or with the feed: 30-50 ml/ 1,01-1,69 fl. oz. per day. Max. 100 ml per day


- 1000 ml/ 33,8 fl. oz. bottle with dosage cap

- 3000 ml/101,4 fl. oz. bottle


Is there a difference between a liquid electrolyte supplement and a powder electrolyte supplement?

No, but some horse owners find it more practical to choose a liquid electrolyte over a powder form.

Why should I choose a formulated electrolyte mixture over a regular salt block?

A balanced electrolyte mixture contains an array of electrolytes and nutrients that compensate for electrolyte loss during heavy exercise. A regular salt block replaces sodium and chloride losses only.

Should I use Electrolytes before or after exercise?

In contrast to many nutrients, there are no body stores of water and electrolytes other than those carried in the gastrointestinal tract. Any excess absorbed is excreted in the urine. You can't give electrolytes before the competition. You have to give electrolytes after the horse has made some physical effort. However, deficiencies can be prevented by replacing them as they are lost (during and after exercise). While there is no benefit to supplementing electrolytes prior to competition, giving electrolytes a few hours before competition may be beneficial.

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